Rockwell Automation Logix5000 Logix5000 Controllers Quick Start User Manual
Page 110

Publication 1756-QS001E-EN-P - October 2009
Chapter 7 Go Online to the Controller
Establish EtherNet/IP Communication with the Controller
RSLinx Classic software handles communication between Logix5000 controllers and your software
programs, such as RSLogix 5000 software. To communicate with a controller (download or monitor data),
configure RSLinx Classic software for the required communication.
Ethernet address (MAC)
Address that is assigned to a module at the factory.
• The module always keeps its ethernet address.
• To determine the ethernet address of a device, look for a sticker on the device.
• An ethernet address uses this format:
IP address
Address that you assign to a module for communication over a specific ethernet network.
An IP address uses this format:
Configure a device to request an IP address over an ethernet network from a BOOTP server.
Out of the box, Allen-Bradley EtherNet/IP devices are configured for BOOTP.
BOOTP server
Software program that receives BOOTP requests from ethernet devices and assigns
IP addresses. RSLinx software revision 2.40 and later includes BOOTP server software.
Establish communication over a specific network.
Communication route to a device. To define a path, you expand a driver and select the
Logix5000 Controller or
Communication Module
RSLinx Classic Software
RSLogix 5000 software
BOOTP Server Software
Your Computer
EtherNet/IP network