Interopmode – Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
Page 443
Fabric OS Command Reference
Manages Brocade switch interoperability with McDATA switches.
interopmode --show
interopmode --help
interopmode --disable
interopmode --enable [-mcdata | -IM2 | -im2] [-defaultzone | -safezone] [-domainoffset
domain_offset ]
interopmode --enable [-openmcdata | -IM3 | -im3] [-domainoffset domain_offset ]
interopmode [mode [-z McDataDefaultZone | -s McDataSafeZone]]
Use this command to enable or disable Brocade switch interoperability with McDATA Enterprise OS
(M-EOS) switches within a Brocade fabric, to configure the domain ID offset, and to enable safe
zoning or default zoning.
The following interop modes can be configured with this command:
Brocade Native Mode (IM0) - Interoperability with McDATA switches is not supported.
McDATA Fabric Mode (IM2) - Brocade switches in IM2 are interoperable with McDATA switches
in IM2, which is the McDATA legacy mode.
McDATA Open Fabric Mode (IM3) - Brocade switches in IM3 are interoperable with McDATA
switches in IM3. IM3 is supported on all platforms that support McDATA Fabric Mode (IM2).
Open Fabric Mode is intended specifically for adding Fabric OS-based products into M-EOS
fabrics that are already using McDATA Open Fabric Mode. Fabrics comprised of only Fabric OS
switches in McDATA Open Fabric Mode are not supported and cannot be zoned. All zoning of a
mixed M-EOS and Fabric OS fabric operating in McDATA Open Fabric Mode is performed
through the M-EOS switches.
Domain ID offset mode - Fabric OS v6.3.0 provides support for domain ID offset configuration in
IM2 and IM3. This feature expands the range of domain IDs that Brocade switches running Fabric
OS v6.3.0 or later can support in IM2 and IM3 fabrics. It allows you to integrate Brocade switches
into an existing McDATA fabric that is configured with a domain ID offset mode other than the
McDATA legacy mode.
You can set the domain ID Offset to any one of the following values: 0x00, 0x20, 0x40, 0x60, 0x80,
0xA0, 0xC0 or 0xFF. With the use of offsets, the domain ID is calculated as the domain ID plus the
configured domain offset. This provides the following domain ID ranges in IM2 and IM3 fabrics:
With domain ID offset configured as 0x00, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0xA0, or 0xC0, the supported
domain ID ranges are 1-31 [0x01, 0x1F], 33-63 [0x21, 0x3F], 65-95 [0x41, 0x5F], 129-159 [0x81,
0x9F], 161-191 [0xA1, 0xBF], and 193-223 [0xC1, 0xDF] respectively. There are two exceptions:
the domain ID default mode (offset 0x60) and the 239 domain ID mode (offset 0xFF).
Domain ID offset default mode (McDATA Legacy domain ID mode) - The default mode of 0x60
(96) is used when you enable IM2 or IM3 without specifying a domain ID offset. In this mode,
the supported domain ID ranges are 1-31 for IM2 fabrics, and 97–127 [0x61 – 0x7F] for IM3
239 Domain ID offset mode - In this mode, the full range of domain IDs, 1-239, is available.
This mode is supported only in IM3. The Mi10K is the only M-Series switch that supports the
239 Domain ID mode. To enable 239 domain ID mode, specify a domain ID offset of 0xFF.
Refer to the Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide for domain ID configuration procedures and examples.