Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
Page 59

Fabric OS Command Reference
adsadd "F_Port [;F_Port2;...]" "WWN [;WWN2;...]"
Adds the specified WWNs to the list of devices allowed to login to the
specified F_Ports. Lists must be enclosed in double quotation marks. List
members must be separated by semicolons. Replace the F_Port list with an
asterisk (*) to add the specified WWNs to all the F_Ports' allow lists. ADS
policy must be enabled for this command to succeed.
adsdel "F_Port [;F_Port2;...]" "WWN [;WWN2;...]
Deletes the specified WWNs from the list of devices allowed to login to the
specified F_Ports. Lists must be enclosed in double quotation marks. List
members must be separated by semicolons. Replace the F_Port list with an
asterisk (*) to remove the specified WWNs from all the F_Ports' allow lists.
ADS policy must be enabled for this command to succeed.
Displays the list of allowed device WWNs for all F_Ports.
persistentalpaenable 1 | 0 mode
Configures the persistent ALPA feature. Once enabled, the ALPA parts of all
device PIDs become persistent regardless of whether they were logged in
before or after the persistent ALPA feature was enabled. ALPA persistence
ensures that there is no inconsistency between logged in devices. The
persistent ALPA feature is by default disabled.
1 | 0
Specify 1 to enable persistent ALPA. Specify 0 to disable the feature.
Specifies the manner in which the ALPA is obtained in the event that the ALPA
value is already taken by another host. Valid modes are:
Specifies a stringent ALPA request mode. In stringent mode, the login is
rejected if the ALPA is not available.
Specifies a flexible ALPA request mode. In flexible mode, the host login is
accepted either with the requested ALPA value or with a different ALPA
value if the requested ALPA is not available.
printalpamap F_Port
Displays the database entry for the specified port. An F_Port must be
specified. The output displays the PWWN-to-host-ALPA mapping.
deletepwwnfromdb PWWN
Removes the specified port WWN entry from the database after the host has
logged out.
clearalpamap F_Port
Clears the ALPA values for the specific F_Port. This command removes the
PWWN-to-ALPA-value mapping from the database.
addwwnmapping N_Port "WWN [;WWN2;...]"|--all
Maps one or more device WWNsto a preferred N_Port. All traffic form the
specified devices is forced through the specified N_Port, regardless of which
F_Port the device logs into. In the event the designated N_Port should
become unavailable, an alternate port can serve as a preferred failover port.
This command only affects devices that are connecting to the fabric after
successful execution of this command; it will not affect devices already
logged in. If a device is already connected to the switch when its mapping is
created, that mapping goes into effect the next time the device connects. The
WWN list must be enclosed in double quotation marks. WWNs must be
separated by semicolons.