Important — warranty registration - 2, Important — customer documentation - 2 – Franklin Fueling Systems TS-LLD Installation Manual User Manual
Page 56
After Installation Steps (continued... )
5) Push the control unit RESET - TEST button momentarily to test the system
Verify that the:
a) Line Leak Test light goes out when the RESET - TEST button is pushed
b) An 88 is displayed while the button is held down (indicating that the system is
okay, and that all display segments are okay).
Do not hold the TEST push-button down longer than four seconds, otherwise a
0.1 gph manual (annual precision) line leak test will start.
Recommended –
dispense a small amount of product (a gallon or so) from each
dispenser to remove air that may be trapped in line during installation or service.
that air trapped in the line may initially cause false alarms.
Verify that leak tests run and finish
(Line Leak Test light turns on about 30
seconds after a dispense and indicates that automatic 3 gph and 0.2 gph line leak
tests are running). The Line Leak Test light will go out when these tests finish (15
minutes to 4 hours later if dispensing is prevented... 1 hour is typical). Note: the
light will also go out when a test is aborted (by pushing RESET-TEST), or when a
dispense occurs.
with the Customer within 30 days and ask for a display reading. If the
days are counting up instruct them to leave the pump breakers on 24 hours a day
(so tests can finish during quiet times / after normal business hours).
Important — Warranty Registration
After installation, completely fill-out the postage-paid Warranty Registration Card.
Have the customer / owner / manager sign this card give a copy to him. Finally,
fax a copy or mail the original card back to INCON. Please make certain that you
fill out the CU & LSU serial numbers.
Important — Customer Documentation
a copy of the completed Warranty Registration card with the customer.
copies of the
TS-LLD Quick Reference Guide with the customer (INCON
P/N 000-1447 — latest revision).
One is supplied with each TS-LLD system.
the name(s), phone number(s) of the local Inspection Agency and other
applicable information, instructions and regulations should a line leak be detected.
the name(s) and phone number(s) of the local Distributor and Service
provider for the future use and reference by the customer.
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