6 status of outgoing messages – Kofax Communication Server 9.1.1 User Manual

Page 39

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TCfW Communication Server Client

© Copyright Kofax, Inc. All information is subject to change without notice.



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Status of Outgoing Messages

TCfW allows you to see the status of all your outgoing messages in the OUT Box. A separate entry is

generated for each recipient.

The status of the messages is shown with the following icons:




No send attempts have been made yet.
When sending internally this status
means that the message has not been
touched (viewed, printed, copied) yet.


Sending in progress. At least one
sending attempt was made. When
sending internally this status means
that the message was touched.


Sending in progress. When sending
internally this status does not exist.



Sending in progress and message
routed to next node. When sending
internally this status does not exist.


— Problems

Message marked completed due to a
send error. This status is shown when
the TCOSS server finished all send
retries and could not send the message
successfully. User intervention is
necessary to cancel, correct or
reactivate the message. Cancel Mess.
leads to the status Cancelled. Correct
and Reactivate lead to either the
Waiting or Sending status. When
sending internally this status does not

Sent OK

Message was delivered successfully.

Sent OK

—Log Entry

Message was delivered successfully.
Only the log entry exists; the message
itself has been deleted.


Message was cancelled by the user.


—Log Entry

Message was cancelled by the user.
Only the log entry exists; the message
itself has been deleted.

Send Attempt

A logged send attempt from the short-
term archive. This means e.g. for a fax
line that all cases where the distant
subscriber was busy or not reachable
for some other reason are now
documented in the short term archive.
