Lynx Professional Grills 42" Free Standing Grill L42PSR-1 User Manual

Page 20

background image


Wait a few seconds and

relite a burner.

bulk lP Cylinder users

bulk lP cylinder lines must

be properly regulated.
Ensure that you are using

a 4/11 appliance regulator

supplied by Lynx and

a 4/11 appliance regulator

a 4/11 appliance regulator

converted to

supplied by Lynx and

supplied by Lynx and

lP gas. Also

supplied by Lynx and

supplied by Lynx and

ensure that you do not have

more than one regulator in

natural gas units:

suPPly line

Ensure that the supply line is

at least 3/4” inside diameter

Ensure that the supply line is

Ensure that the supply line is

or 1” outside diameter.

CheCK line




natural gas pressure should

be at least 7”

atural gas pressure should

atural gas pressure should

w.C. and 4”

atural gas pressure should

atural gas pressure should

W.c. pressure under full load

(with all burners on.)

. pressure under full load

. pressure under full load

CheCK burners for



chEcK f


K LAmE chAR-


(See IndEX:

“flame, Correct size” )

CleAn or AdjusT Air


(see indeX: “Air

shutter Adjustment.”

low or InsuffICIent


no PArT of The grill

should ever be lined

wiTh AluMinuM foil.

doing so will interfere with

airflow and can cause a low

oing so will interfere with

oing so will interfere with

heat condition.
Ensure that you’ve preheated

the main burners for at

Ensure that you’ve preheated

Ensure that you’ve preheated

least 10 to 15 minutes with

the hood closed and the

Prosear™ burner for 3

Proper leveling during instal-

lation is critical. A grill that is

Proper leveling during instal-

Proper leveling during instal-

out of level will cause erratic

lation is critical. A grill that is

lation is critical. A grill that is

burner combustion and inef-

ficient, uneven heating. A

carpenter’s spirit level should

be used to level the grill both

carpenter’s spirit level should

carpenter’s spirit level should

front-to-back and side-to-side.

be used to level the grill both

be used to level the grill both

If the low heat problem


CheCK The gAs suPPly

line siZing require-



CheCK The gAs suPPly

line for KinKs or


rePlACe any damaged

supply lines.

CheCK The regulATor

make sure that the regulator

& hose assembly is the one

designed for and supplied

& hose assembly is the one

& hose assembly is the one

with your Lynx grill and that

designed for and supplied

designed for and supplied

A yellow flame on the main

burners indicates a lack of air.

A yellow flame on the main

A yellow flame on the main

But, if the air around the grill

is dusty or if heavy grease is

But, if the air around the grill

But, if the air around the grill

present, some orange tips on

the burner flame are normal.

present, some orange tips on

present, some orange tips on


To adjust for insufficient air,

adjust the air shutter.


indeX: “Air s

adjust the air shutter.

adjust the air shutter.

hutter Adjustment” for

adjust the air shutter.

adjust the air shutter.

further details.)

hutter Adjustment” for

hutter Adjustment” for

it is correctly set up for the

type of fuel you are using.

it is correctly set up for the

it is correctly set up for the

(see indeX: “regulator Conver-

sion” for further details.)

The hose and regulator

provided by Lynx must be

used if your grill is set-up for

provided by Lynx must be

provided by Lynx must be

an lP g

used if your grill is set-up for

used if your grill is set-up for

as Cylinder.

used if your grill is set-up for

used if your grill is set-up for

check that there is no

physical pressure being

applied to the regulator

physical pressure being

physical pressure being

attached to the back of the

applied to the regulator

applied to the regulator

grill. The regulator contains

a flexible diaphragm and

grill. The regulator contains

grill. The regulator contains

should not be allowed to

a flexible diaphragm and

a flexible diaphragm and

touch the grill body or its


CheCK for obsTruC-


Ensure that the burners and

drip tray are clean and free

from obstructions.

drip tray are clean and free

drip tray are clean and free

lP (Propane) units:


AlMosT eMPTy?

Almost-empty cylinders may

not have sufficient pressure

Almost-empty cylinders may

Almost-empty cylinders may

to run the burners at high

not have sufficient pressure

not have sufficient pressure





Pressure CheCKed by



(see indeX: “gas

requirements” for further


flow liMiTing deviCe

Improper lighting proce-

dures may have activated

Improper lighting proce

Improper lighting proce

the lP cylinder’s flow control

dures may have activated

dures may have activated

device, reducing the heat

To reset the flow control:

Shut off all burner

controls and close the lP

cylinder valve.

wait 30 seconds and,

very slowly, reopen the

cylinder valve.

very slowly, reopen the

very slowly, reopen the

wind hiTTing grill

Wind hitting the grill while in

use, especially winds blowing

into or across the hood gap

use, especially winds blowing

use, especially winds blowing

from behind, can cause poor

into or across the hood gap

into or across the hood gap

performance and in some

from behind, can cause poor

from behind, can cause poor

cases can cause the control

performance and in some

performance and in some

panel to get dangerously hot.
Steady or


winds can


the normal



exhaust of

hot gases.

Locate your

grill away from prevailing

winds and avoid grilling in

from prevailing

from prevailing

windy conditions.
