D3.2.11 other setting operations, D3-69, Important – Yokogawa YFGW410 User Manual
Page 130: Lfile menu
<D3. Constructing a Field Wireless System>
IM 01W02D01-01EN
100%, changing route may be failed. To change configuration of field wireless network (e.g.,
adopting field wireless device or changing route) in an operational state, the network re-
source is less than 50%, is recommended. Regarding field wireless network resource, see
D3.2.9 Resource.
• Changing CF file of field wireless device requires restart target devices. If not restart device,
changing CF file will not be applied. The operation status is Session time-out, indicates that
CF file doesn’t match to the device.
Do not perform this operation at the same time as conflicting operations at the Configurator and
Monitor. Always confirm that conflicting processes are completed before carrying out this opera-
tion. For details about conflicting operations at the Configurator and Monitor, see Sub-section
D2.2.2. Launching the tool.
If the Monitor is running when settings are downloaded, the Monitor may close. If the Monitor
closes, restart it.
D3.2.11 Other Setting Operations
The menu bar of the Configurator has three items: [File], [Tools], and [Help].
File Menu
The File menu has the following five items.
[Backup], [Restore], [Export Modbus Registers], [Import Modbus Registers], and [Exit]
This function backs up the wireless network setting information created by the Configurator of the
YFGW410 to a file.
When [File] and then [Backup] are clicked, the window shown in Figure D3-71 appears.