3 fast: cnc – Comtech EF Data CDM-750 User Manual
Page 142
CDM-750 Advanced High-Speed Trunking Modem
Revision 2
Front Panel Operation
If the Demo Mode timer reaches 00:00:00:00 while the modem is running a
FAST feature that is not a purchased FAST feature, the modem will fall into
an invalid state, turn off its carrier, and revert all settings to factory default
settings. FAST: CnC
FractionalCnC:Time Remaining: 90:00:00:00
Time Remaining Refills In 364:23:59:31
Full CnC License is installed.
Fractional CnC is common in 1:1 or 1:N redundancy systems where the primary modem has a full CnC
license, and the backup modem(s) has a Fractional CnC license. A Fractional CnC licenses allows 90 full
calendar days of CnC usage in a calendar year. This lowers the cost of the modem but does not allow for
constant, round‐the‐clock operation.
As per the previous screen examples, if Fractional CnC is not installed in the CDM‐750, the modem
displays a message that no CnC license is installed and provides “time remaining” and “time remaining
refill” timers; or that a Full CnC license is installed and the screen displays no timers. Note the following:
• FractionalCnC: Time Remaining – This is the amount of time, in the form dd:hh:mm:ss (days:
hours:minutes:seconds), that that the modem can be run in CnC mode. This counter decrements
under the following conditions:
o The modem has a Fractional CnC license
o The modem is powered on
o The modem’s TX is On
o The modem is in standalone mode or in 1:1 redundancy configuration and is Online
o The modem is NOT in Demo Mode. If the timer reaches 00:00:00:00, the modem will
turn its TX Off and the circuit will be down.
• Time Remaining Refills In – This is the calendar year counter that resets the FractionalCnCTime
Remaining to 90 full days of CnC usage when it reaches 00:00:00:00. This counter continually
decrements and even accounts for time when the modem is powered Off. Once this timer fully
decrements, Time Remaining Refills In once again resets to 365:00:00:00 and immediately
begins to decrement.