HEIDENHAIN IK 5394-3D User Manual
Page 40

Chapter 1 Overview
Main Menu Bar
This section shows the content of the QC-5000 pull-down menus. A
discussion of the various menu commands follows in later chapters. Use
this section to familiarize yourself with the menus. Place the cursor over
the desired menu and click to view pull-down menus.
Toolbars contain buttons that execute common tasks. Use toolbars in-
stead of hunting through pull-down menus for commands. Simply click
the desired button and the task is begun. Toolbars correspond to the
main menu. For example, buttons in the view toolbar correspond to
commands on the view menu.
Datum toolbar
Use the datum toolbar to establish datums and reference frames. Buttons
in the datum toolbar correspond to items on the datum menu.
Measure toolbar
Use the measure toolbar to measure and construct features. Buttons on
the measure toolbar correspond to items on the measure menu.
Probe toolbar
Use the probe toolbar to access probe functions and settings. Buttons on
the probe toolbar correspond to items on the probe menu.
View toolbar
Use the view toolbar to adjust the part view window. Buttons on the view
toolbar correspond to items on the view menu.