Sephra Commercial Chocolate & Fondue Fountains User Manual

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decreased. Please see “C






” for appropriate

heat settings.

e. Food blocking fondue flow: Turn the motor off and use a spatula to check

for food items that may have become lodged between the bottom of the
cylinder sleeve and the basin.

f. Small food particles in the fondue: Small pieces of food flowing in the fondue

may cause gapping as the pieces flow over the tiers. Turn the motor off
and try to remove the food with a spatula or strainer.

2. Chocolate is thick and clumpy: When chocolate is overheated or scorched, it

becomes clumpy. White and Milk chocolate are especially susceptible to
overheating. If this occurs, stir small amounts of vegetable oil or cocoa butter
into the chocolate until it reaches the appropriate consistency. Chocolate may
also be placed in a blender and mixed with the thinning agent. Consult the






” to ensure you are using the appropriate

heat setting. To avoid scorching, stir the chocolate often with a spatula, scraping
it from the bottom of the basin as you stir. Chocolate will also become clumpy if
it has come into contact with water.

3. The fountain will not heat properly:

a. Electrical problem: Make sure that the fountain is plugged into a working

electrical outlet and that the switch is in the ON or PREHEAT position. If you
have another appliance plugged into the same outlet, the fountain may not
be receiving enough electricity.

b. Damaged thermostat: Move the temperature dial gradually from 1-10.

Listen closely at the base of the fountain to hear a “click” when raising the
temperature. If you hear a click, the thermostat is functional and the
problem may be a wiring issue. If you do not hear a click, please call
Customer Service for further assistance.

c. Loose wiring: Unplug the fountain, turn it over, and remove the

protective screen. Check to see that all of the wires and contacts are firmly
in place. Important: Before touching any wires, discharge the
electricity from the fountain to avoid electric shock. Do this by
switching the fountain from START to OFF several times once the fountain is
unplugged. If there are any loose contacts for which the original position
can be easily determined, reattach them. Please call Customer Service for
further assistance.

4. The fountain will not turn on:

a. Bad electrical connection: Power may have been interrupted by an electrical

breaker being tripped. Fountains with a 120V power supply require a
dedicated 10-amp breaker to provide the fountain with an ample supply of
power. These models will draw 4–9 amps when the motor and heat are on.
The 240V fountains draw 2-5 amps total and require a 5-amp breaker.

b. Fuse has blown: Replace fuse with a 15-amp straight or 10-amp slow blow

fuse (Aztec and Cortez fountains require a 10-amp straight fuse). The fuse
can be replaced from the fountain exterior by twisting the fuse cap off
(flathead screwdriver or coin may be needed), exchanging the fuse, and
repositioning the fuse cap.
