Understanding the cli, Connecting to the cli server, Cli security – B&B Electronics WLNN-AN(ER,SE,SP.EK)-DP551 - Manual User Manual

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Airborne Enterprise CLI Reference Manual


6.0 Understanding the CLI

CLI Sessions established to the CLI Server may operate in one of three modes: CLI,
PASS, or LISTEN. Not all modes are supported on all interfaces of the device. A CLI
Session established on the serial interface may operate in any of the three modes. CLI
Sessions established on the wireless or Ethernet interfaces are restricted to CLI or PASS


Connecting to the CLI Server

Users may connect to the CLI Server on the serial interface using a terminal
emulation program such as HyperTerminal or TeraTerm. The module default
settings for the serial interface are:

 Bits per second: 9600

 Data bits: 8

 Stop bits: 1

 Parity: none

 Flow control: none

Users may also connect to the CLI Server on the wireless or Ethernet interface
using a TCP client such as Windows Telnet or an SSH client

. The Module‟s CLI

Server supports a Telnet connection with the following restrictions:

 Telnet commands such as DO, WONT, and DON, must not be issued.

 Network Virtual Terminal codes are not supported.

The CLI Server‟s network interface is characterized as follows:

 The CLI Server listens on the TCP port specified by the wl-telnet-port

parameter. The default is 23.

 The CLI Server listens on the SSH port specified by the wl-ssh-port

parameter. The default is 22.

 The CLI Server inactivity timer is configured via the wl-telnet-timeout


 The CLI Server uses the wl-telnet-timeout value to timeout and close

TCP connections that are inactive.

 The CLI Server supports multiple, simultaneous TCP sessions.


CLI Security

The CLI Server supports five (5) levels of security for each CLI Session. The
security levels provide a safeguard for the set of CLI commands that may be
executed by users. CLI Sessions that are authenticated at a particular security
level may execute all CLI commands specified for that security level and below.


Module‟s five (5) levels of security are:

 Level 0 (L0) = connectionless

 Level 1 (L1) = connection, not logged in (default)
