Figure 3 – B&B Electronics WLNN-AN(ER,SE,SP.EK)-DP551 - Manual User Manual

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Airborne Enterprise CLI Reference Manual


Figure 3 - Bridging from a TCP Connection on the wl-telnet-port

8.1.3 Bridging from a TCP connection on the wl-tunnel-port

The module supports a tunneling feature that allows bridging between a specific
TCP address/port and the m

odule‟s serial port without requiring authentication

with the module. TCP port tunneling is supported by the wl-tunnel, wl-
tunnel-mode, and wl-tunnel-port commands. The rules for TCP
connections to the wl-tunnel-port are as follows:

 wl-tunnel must be enabled (set to 1).

 wl-tunnel-mode must be set to tcp.

 wl-tunnel-port must be set to a non-zero value which is not the same as

any previously defined port on the module.

 The CLI Session on a serial interface must be in LISTEN Mode.

 There must be an available serial interface in LISTEN mode, which is not

already bridged.

If all of the conditions are met, this TCP connection will become the active bridge.
All data payload will be bridged between the CLI Session on a serial interface
and the CLI Session on this TCP port.
