Table 21, Certificate delivery commands – B&B Electronics WLNN-AN(ER,SE,SP.EK)-DP551 - Manual User Manual

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Airborne Enterprise CLI Reference Manual

Table 21 - Certificate Delivery Commands



put-cert [file name]

Will cause the device server that you are going to push the
certificate to, to wait for the attached host to initiate the

Xmodem transfer to the module. This method supports

Xmodem transfer over a serial interface or in a telnet session.

The filename included as the argument will be the name the file
is saved with on the device server. This name is the one to be

referenced when a certificate is called.

No file path should be included.

An extension must be included.

Once the command is issued the device server waits for the
attached host to initiate an Xmodem transfer. Once the transfer
of the file is complete the command returns an OK.

Once the download is complete it is necessary for the save
command to be issued, this will cause the certificate to be
stored to the device server.

get-cert [file name]

Will cause the device server to retrieve a certificate from the

FTP server identified by the parameters associated with the

following commands:


Once the download is complete it is necessary for the save
command to be issued, this will cause the certificate to be
stored to the device server.

No file path should be included.

It is required that the device server is associated and

authenticated with a network and has a valid IP address before
issuing this command.


This defines the IP address of the target FTP server. The
address must be in the standard format XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.

Where XXX can have a value between 0 and 255. The resultant
IP address must not be


This defines the directory path for the subdirectory that

contains the target certificate to be downloaded.

This does not need to be set if the file is in the default directory
for the specified ftp-user.


Defines the username for the FTP account, associated to the
FTP server defined by ftp-server-address.


Defines the password for the FTP account, associated to the
FTP server defined by ftp-server-address.


Defines the name of the certificate or private key file to be
uploaded or downloaded. The file extension must be included.

The filename does not support wildcards.

The use of these commands depends upon the transfer protocol being used.
