Data bridging with xmodem guidelines – B&B Electronics WLNN-AN(ER,SE,SP.EK)-DP551 - Manual User Manual

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Airborne Enterprise CLI Reference Manual

Whenever the CLI Server transitions to PASS Mode, either via the startup
„serial-default pass’ parameter or the „pass-p?’ command, the module
will use the UDP tunneling configurations to operate the UDP data bridge as

 wl-xmit-type is used to enable UDP transmission of data from a serial


 wl-udp-xmit is used to enable unicast, or broadcast UDP datagram

transmission, or both.

 wl-udp-ip/wl-udp-port is used to set the UDP transmission destination

IP address/port.

 wl-udp-rxport sets the UDP port that the module will receive data on for

the bridge.

If wl-xmit-type is set for both, then the TCP bridge must remain active for the
UDP bridge to remain active. If the TCP server becomes inactive, the UDP bridge will

be terminated.

Only the data payload of the UDP packet is forwarded to a serial interface. All serial

data received is sent as the UDP packet payload.

8.1.5 Data Bridging with XMODEM Guidelines

Once a data bridge is established, the endpoints may transfer raw binary data.
Some systems may choose to apply a protocol such as ZMODEM or XMODEM,

For systems using XMODEM protocol, the following guildelines must be adhered

 XMODEM works with 8-bit connections only. If you communicate with the

Module via a serial port connection, configure your communication settings
as follows:

Data bits: 8



Stop bits:


 Run XMODEM with either no flow control or hardware (RTS/CTS) flow

control because the protocol provides no encoding or transparency of control
characters. If you run XMODEM with software (XON/XOFF) flow control, your
connection will hang. For this reason, configure the flow control parameter in
your communication settings to NONE or RTS/CTS, not to XON/XOFF or

 During transmission, XMODEM pads files to the nearest 128 bytes. As a

result, original file sizes are not retained.
