IAI America MSEP User Manual

Page 160

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3.8 I/O Signal Controls and Function


(7) Positioning start (CSTR) PLC Output Signal

This signal is processed at the startup (ON edge) and the positioning is performed to the target

position with the specified position No. or set using the PLC’s target position register.

If a movement command is issued when the first home return is not yet completed after the

power is turned ON (HEND signal OFF), home return will be performed automatically to

establish the coordinates first, after which the actuator will move to the target position.

Turn “OFF” this signal after confirming that the Positioning Completion Signal (PEND) signal

has been turned “OFF”.

Target position






(8) Moving signal (MOVE) PLC Input Signal

This signal is turned ON while the actuator’s slider or rod is moving. (Including the pressing or

jog operation after the homing operation.)

After the completion of the positioning, homing or pressing operation, or during the pause

condition, this signal is turned “OFF”.

(9) Positioning completion signal (PEND) PLC Input Signal

This signal is turned “ON” when the actuator is moved to the target position and reaches the

positioning width and the pressing is completed.


Movement distance

Target position

Positioning width


Timing at which the

position complete signal

turns ON

When the servo-motor is turned ON from OFF condition, the positioning is performed with the

position set as the target position. Accordingly, this signal is turned “ON” and after that, when

the positioning operation is started with the home return (HOME) signal and positioning start

(CSTR) signal, this signal is turned “OFF”.

Caution: When the servo-motor is turned OFF or stopped in an emergency while the actuator

is stopped at the target position, the PEND signal is turned “OFF” temporarily.

Then, when the servo-motor is turned “ON” and the actuator is within the positioning

width, the PEND signal is turned “ON” again.

When the positioning is completed with the CSTR signal turned “ON”, the PEND

signal is not turned “ON”.
