New functions for programming and operation – HEIDENHAIN TNC 306 Technical Manual User Manual

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TNC 406/TNC 306


3. New Functions for Programming and Operation

New Cycle 16 ORBIT

Cycle 16 ORBIT was developed from Cycle 17 with additional parameters for more functions. All
input values except the M functions can be transferred by Q parameter. Cycle 17 can therefore
completely replace Cycle 17.

CYCL DEF 16.1 IZ-5.02 M36
CYCL DEF 16.2 RAD=20.014 DIR=0

Input value and dialogs:
16.1: IZ-5.02

Eroding axis and depth


16.1: M36

Miscellaneous function M

16.2: RAD=20.014 Expansion radius


16.2: DIR=0

Orbit direction (0=CCW, 1=CW)


16.3: PAT=0

Expansion pattern (0...5)


16.3: SPO=0

Sparking out condition (0/1)


PAT (=expansion pattern)
0 = Continuous widening on a circular path with simultaneous plunging in the erosion axis, gap

control on revolving oblique vector; retraction with Timing/Cycle Stop on oblique vector to the
starting point

1 = Same as 0, but with quadratic instead of circular expansion

2 = Orbital erosion with constant radius, gap control only in erosion axis, retraction with

Timing/Cycle Stop on oblique vector to the starting point

3 = Same as 2, but with quadratic instead of circular expansion

4 = Execution in 2 phases (new):

1. Erosion in radius to final radius with simultaneous erosion in erosion axis to final depth at 0

degree angle. Gap control on vector.

2. Expansion on circular path with constant final radius, gap control on the circular path, but

retraction with Timing/Cycle Stop on oblique vector to the starting point.

5 = Same as 4, but with quadratic instead of circular expansion

SPO (=sparking out condition)
0 = End sparking out if final radius has been reached and the sparking-out time (MP2110 or Cycle 4)

has expired (fast sparking out)

1 = End sparking out if final radius has been reached and there have been 1


revolutions of

continuous free-running (M2616) (complete sparking out)

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