Chapter 6 usb controller, 1 overview, 1 features – NEC Network Controller uPD98502 User Manual

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Preliminary User’s Manual S15543EJ1V0UM



6.1 Overview

The USB Controller handles the data communication through USB. The following lists the features of USB


6.1.1 Features

• Conforms to Universal Serial Bus Specification Rev 1.1
• Supports operation conforming to the USB Communication Device Class Specification
• Supports data transfer at full speed (12 Mbps)
• In addition to the control Endpoint, a further six Endpoints are built in

(Interrupt in/out, Isochronous in/out and Bulk in/out)

• Supports a built-in 64-byte Tx FIFO for Control transfer
• Supports a built-in 128-byte Tx FIFO for Isochronous transfer
• Supports a built-in 128-byte Tx FIFO for Bulk transfer
• Supports a built-in 64-byte Tx FIFO for Interrupt transfer
• Supports a built-in 128-byte shared Rx FIFO for Control/Isochronous/Bulk/Interrupt transfer
• Supports a DMA function for transferring transmit/receive data
• Supports Control/Status registers
• Compatible with the Suspend and Resume signaling issued from the Host PC

(Processing by the V


4120A is required)

• Supports Remote Wake-up (Processing by the V


4120A is required)

• Supports Direct connect to Internal BUS (IBUS) Master and Slave Interface block
• Supports the counters required to indicate the USB status
