Editing, Bezier control points, Editing bezier – Apple Motion 3 User Manual
Page 1023: Control points, Editing bezier control points
Chapter 12
Using Shapes and Masks
Locking Control Points
You can lock individual control points in a shape to fix them in place and prevent them
from being accidentally adjusted. A shape with locked points can still be moved.
Locking a control point simply prevents it from being adjusted while you edit a shape
using the Adjust Control Points tool.
To lock and unlock points:
Choose the Adjust Control Points tool, then select a shape.
Control-click a control point, then choose Lock Point from the shortcut menu.
If the point was unlocked, it becomes locked. If the point was locked, Unlock Point
appears in the shortcut menu, and it becomes unlocked.
Editing Bezier Control Points
The methods used to adjust Bezier shapes are similar to those used by many other
applications. Bezier control points are widely used to modify curves, and allow you to
easily draw any shape you may need.
Each point in a Bezier shape can be toggled to act as a hard corner or as a curve.
Locked points appear with small
dashes on either side of the point.