Adding behaviors and filters to text – Apple Motion 3 User Manual

Page 575

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Chapter 7

Using Text


 Click the “i” button on the HUD.
 Press Command-3.

The Inspector contains all text parameters divided into three panes: Format, Style, and
Paragraph. For more information, see “

Editing Text in the Inspector

” on page 584.

Adding Behaviors and Filters to Text

Behaviors and filters are applied to text in the same manner as they are to other layers
in Motion. This section provides a quick start to applying behaviors and filters to text.
For more information on using the Text Animation and Text Sequence behaviors, see

Using Text Animation and Text Sequence Behaviors

” on page 648.

To apply a behavior to text, do one of the following:


In the Library, select a behavior, then drag it to the text in the Canvas, Layers tab, or


Select the text to which you want to apply a behavior, click the Add Behavior icon in
the Toolbar, then choose a behavior from the pop-up menu.

The Text HUD is replaced with a behavior HUD.

Note: For more information on applying text behaviors, see “

Text Animation Behaviors

on page 649 and “

Text Sequence Behaviors

” on page 668. For more information on

other behaviors, see “

Using Behaviors

” on page 369.

To apply a filter to text, do one of the following:


In the Library, select a filter, then drag it to the text in the Canvas, Layers tab, or


Select the text to which you want to apply a filter, click the Add Filter icon in the
Toolbar, then choose a filter from the pop-up menu.

Note: For more information on using filters, see “

Using Filters

” on page 841.

Add Behavior icon

Add Filter icon
