Setting layer duration preferences – Apple Motion 3 User Manual

Page 568

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Chapter 7

Using Text

Note: If you have Final Cut Pro with LiveType installed on your computer, all LiveFonts
appear in the Motion Library.

Setting Layer Duration Preferences

Before you start any project, you should set up Motion Preferences according to your
project requirements. When working with text, you can specify that an object (text
layer) is created at the current frame (the frame where the playhead is positioned at the
time you add the text). Alternatively, you can specify that the object is created at the
start of the project. By default, layers are created at the current frame. You can also
specify a default duration for any created layer.

Note: This sets the same preferences for all layers created within Motion, including text,
shapes, masks, particle emitters, and replicators.

To set the layer duration preferences:


Choose Motion > Preferences (or press Command-comma).


Click the Project icon.

The Project preferences pane is displayed.


In the Still Images & Layers section, set the Default Layer Duration preference:

 To create text that is the length of the project, select “Use project duration” (the

default setting). This means that if you are working in a 300-frame project and you
create text, the duration of the text is 300 frames.

Note: If you have Create Layers At set to “Current frame,” and you create text at
frame 50, the text exists from frame 50 to frame 300.

 To create text that is a specific duration, select “Use custom duration.” Next, enter a

value in the text field, then choose Frames or Seconds from the pop-up menu.

All layers you created are set to the entered duration by default.


Set the Create Layers At preference:

 To create text at the current location of the playhead, select “Current frame.”

Using Text as Particle and Replicator Source Objects

Text layers can be used as source cells for particle emitters and replicators to quickly
create stunning graphics. If you later modify the source text, Motion automatically
updates the replicator and particle system. If the text used as a cell source has
applied behaviors or filters, the effect is carried over into the replicator or particle
