Glossary – Grass Valley PDR v.2.2 User Manual

Page 323

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Profile Family



Access Time

The time it takes to find and retrieve digital information, generally from hard
disk storage.


Acronym for Audio Engineering Society/European Broadcasting Union, an
industry standard for the transmission of serial digital audio information. The
standard specifies the physical attributes of the link, as well as how the
information is transmitted along it.

A to D

Analog-to-digital converter. An electronic component that converts
incoming analog signals into its digital representation.

Analog video

Video represented as a continuously variable electrical signal. Consumer TV
and domestic VCR are analog video devices. Analog video can be converted
to digital format to be stored and manipulated by computer or other digital

Archive library

The archive library is an automated tape storage device used to supplement a
machine's disk storage. The library consists of digital tape cartridges and, in
some cases, robot that moves cartridges to and from tape transports.

Assemble record mode

Video and all audio tracks assigned to a machine are recorded
simultaneously, along with timecode, and any previous contents are
overwritten. Traditionally this mode is used when appending to a master tape
that has not had black, timecode, and control track previously recorded
before editing.

Audio I/O

The audio path through the Profile video disk recorder, especially the
crosspoint circuitry that routes the audio within the Profile system.
