Grass Valley PDR v.2.2 User Manual

Page 73

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Analog Composite Video Output

Profile Family


Luminance (enabled) specifies only the luminance portion of the signal is

output. The signal is black and white.

Gaussian Chroma Filter determines the type of filter used on the

chrominance portion of the signal. If the Gaussian Chroma Filter is selected,
the filter has a long slow roll-off to prevent ringing. If it is not selected, then
a brickwall filter is used. Although this may introduce ringing into the signal,
it maintains the integrity of the signal for multiple processing. Use the
Gaussian Filter as a last step before transmission and if ringing suppression
is required. Do not use this filter if you are doing multiple processes/passes
on the signal or if the material is in component form.

The Procamp controls are adjusted with either the slider bars or arrow buttons.
The corresponding numeric values are displayed in the text boxes.

Video Gain raises or lowers the overall amplitude of the video signal. It has

a range of 50 to 200 percent of nominal.

Chroma Gain changes the amplitude of the chrominance portion of the

signal to change the color intensity. It has a range of 50 to 200 percent of

Black Level sets the voltage level of the reference black level. This is

expressed in mV in the PAL video standard and in IRE units in NTSC. The
range in the PAL standard is –140 to 140 mV. The range in the NTSC
standard is –20 to +20 IRE.

Chroma Phase sets the colors by varying the phase of the chrominance

subcarrier. The range is –45 to +45.

Luminance Black Clip Level is the point where the procamp clips the

luminance portion of any video that drops below this level. For PAL, the
range is –150 mV to 0 mV and –20 IRE to 7.5 IRE (or 0 IRE if pedestal is
not selected) in the NTSC standard.

Luminance White Clip Level follows the same logic, only it clips any

luminance above the set threshold. Its range in the PAL standard is 700 to
909.5 mV and 100 to 139.5 IRE in the NTSC standard.

Default Procamp resets the Procamp to the factory-defined levels.
