Audio configuration for the pdr200, Input and output mapping, Audio configuration for the pdr200 – Grass Valley PDR v.2.2 User Manual

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Chapter 2

Using the Profile Configuration Manager


Profile Family

Audio Configuration for the PDR200

The Audio Configuration dialog box shown in Figure 47 allows you to
configure input and output channels, input clocking, audio quality and monitor

Input and Output Mapping

The Input Mapping tab is used for mapping input sources to Profile channels,
while the

Output Mapping

tab is used for mapping Profile channels to output

destinations. For example, you can map Profile Audio Chassis (PAC) input
sources and serial digital audio input sources. Figure 47 and Figure 48 illustrate
a sample configuration: a Profile unit with an audio signal processing board, a
PAC 208 chassis (with A/D and D/A convertors and connectors for eight
channels), and two serial digital cards providing eight analog audio channels,
eight digital audio channels, and four video channels with 16 embedded audio
channels each.

Figure 47. Audio Configuration dialog box, Input Mapping tab
