Chorus, Dynamix – Elektron Monomachine User Manual

Page 137

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The Chorus machine implements a 2 x 3 tap
stereo chorus.

DEL (delay) controls the delay time of the

DEP (depth) the depth of the modulation of
the chorus taps.

SPD (speed) sets the low frequency modula-
tion speed of the taps.

MIX (signal mix) adjusts the output between
the original “dry” signal and the chorused
“wet” signal. The best settings are often
found in the middle, where the chorus inter-
acts with the original signal.

FB (feedback) controls the feedback of the
delay taps.

WID (stereo width) controls the stereo width
output of the chorus.

LP (low pass filter) controls the low pass fil-
tering of the feedback signal.

INP (input signal amplification) adjusts the
signal input.


The Dynamix dynamics processor can be
used for increasing the overall sound level of
a track or pattern. It can also be used to
enhance or reduce transients.

ATK (attack) sets the attack time from 0.5 ms
to 100 ms.

REL (release) sets the release time from 50
ms to 5 s.

THRS (threshold) controls the compressor
knee threshold.

MIX (signal mix) adjusts the output between
the original “dry” signal and the “wet” signal.

RAT (ratio) sets the compression ratio
between 1:1 and 1:255.

GAIN (makeup gain) can be used to adjust
the output level of the compressor.

RMS (RMS measure speed) adjusts the sen-
sitivity for very quick changes in the signal.
High RMS values make Dynamix less influ-
enced by very quick signal changes. Setting
RMS to zero gives a peak detector and a
higher RMS makes Dynamix look more at
the over-all energy level of the signal.

INP (input signal amplification) adjusts the
signal input.
