Appendix b: midi control reference, Monomachine midi specification, Note on & note off messages – Elektron Monomachine User Manual

Page 141

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Appendix B:

All Data Entry parameters of the Monomachine are accessible by both MIDI
control change messages and NRPN MIDI messages. This appendix lists
the full MIDI implementation of the Monomachine, except SYSEX mes-


The Monomachine uses up to 6 midi channels starting from the Base channel for the internal
sequencer and to control the six tracks of sound generation. This is set in the
Global slot->Control->Midichanls.

In addition to that one or none channel can be allocated to each of Multi Trig, Multi Map
and the Auto Channel.

The MIDI sequencer can additionally use 6 MIDI channels set in
Global slot->Midi seq->Midiseq set.

When receiving midi the Midi sequencer channels are not possible to reach if overlapped by
any other channel assignment. It is possible to overlap when sending midi.

By setting the span to 0 and turning Multi Trig, Multi Map and the Auto Channel off, no midi
is sent from the Monomachine except if the midi sequencer is used.

X - Acknowledged
K - Only sent from the Keyboard version SFX-6
B - Only received on the MIDI Base Channel


| NOTE | MIDI Channel | Track | Action | Trn | Rec |
| ON | Basechannel+0 | 1 | Trig amp, filter & lfo | X | X |
| OFF | Basechannel+0 | 1 | Amp in release phase | X | X |
| ON | Basechannel+1 | 2 | Trig amp, filter & lfo | X | X |
| OFF | Basechannel+1 | 2 | Amp in release phase | X | X |
| ON | Basechannel+2 | 3 | Trig amp, filter & lfo | X | X |
| OFF | Basechannel+2 | 3 | Amp in release phase | X | X |
| ON | Basechannel+3 | 4 | Trig amp, filter & lfo | X | X |
| OFF | Basechannel+3 | 4 | Amp in release phase | X | X |
| ON | Basechannel+4 | 5 | Trig amp, filter & lfo | X | X |
| OFF | Basechannel+4 | 5 | Amp in release phase | X | X |
| ON | Basechannel+5 | 6 | Trig amp, filter & lfo | X | X |
| OFF | Basechannel+5 | 6 | Amp in release phase | X | X |
