Extend mode, See extend mode – Grass Valley EDIUS v.5.1 User Manual

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EDIUS — User Reference Guide

Section 5 — Timeline Operations

Extend Mode

Extend mode and fix mode are controlled by the “Extend clips when
applying transition/cross fade” setting in the Timeline Settings dialog.
When this setting is enabled (checked), extend mode is enabled. When the
setting is disabled (not checked), fix mode is enabled.

To change the setting, select Settings>Application Settings>Timeline from
the Preview window menu bar. Enable or disable the “Extend clips when
applying transition/cross fade” setting depending upon the mode you

In Extend Mode, adding or deleting a transition or audio cross fade
between clips will not change the overall sequence length on the Time-
line as illustrated in

Figure 315


Figure 315. Extend Mode Example

When adding a transition or audio cross fade, the In/Out points of the clips
before and after the transition extend with the length of the transition. The
net result is that the overall sequence length does not change. See

Figure 316


Figure 316. Transition Added - Extend Mode


If a clip does not have a margin, transition/audio cross fade cannot be set
(except in the Mixer area). A transition/cross fade length can only be
extended by the amount of margin in a clip.

When a transition or audio cross fade between clips is deleted, the In/Out-
points of the clips before and after the transition contract by an amount

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