Intel PXA26X User Manual

Page 620

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Intel® PXA26x Processor Family Developer’s Manual

Internal Flash

;//--- Configure the processor in synchronous mode

;//--- Can be used with normal K3, ensure bus width check is for correct chip

;//--- Read the CCCR to check the memory clock frequency


LDR r4,[r3]

AND r4, r4, #0x1F ;/* First 5 bits = L value */

ldr r1, =0x0

;/* Default to Asynchronous mode */

cmp r4, #0x1

;/* Memory Frequency = 100 MHz */

ldreq r1, =0x1

cmp r4, #0x2

;/* Memory Frequency = 118 MHz (Use 133 MHz settings) */

ldreq r1, =0x2

cmp r4, #0x3

;/* Memory Frequency = 133 MHz */

ldreq r1, =0x2

cmp r4, #0x4

;/* Memory Frequency = 150 MHz (Use Asynchronous mode)


ldreq r1, =0x0

cmp r4, #0x5

;/* Memory Frequency = 166 MHz (Use Asynchronous mode)


ldreq r1, =0x0

;//--- If the clock is set to an invalid value, leave in asynch mode

cmp r1, #0x0

beq EndSynchronousMode

;//--- Enable SDCLK[0] as divide-by-2 (all frequencies)

ldr r3, =MDREFR

ldr r2, [r3]

orr r2, r2, #0x00007000

str r2, [r3]

;//--- Configure synch mode for correct frequency

cmp r1, #0x1

beq SDCLK0_50MHz

;//--- Fill up registers with correct values -- 66 MHz

;//--- Check for 16/32 bit mode

ldr r3, =MSC0

ldr r3, [r3]

and r3, r3, #0x8

cmp r3, #0x8

beq SDCLK0_66MHz_16bit

;//--- Configure for 66 MHz/32 bit operation

ldr r3, =SXCNFG

ldr r4, =0x0000d708

ldr r5, =0x00600060

ldr r6, =0x00030003

ldr r7, =0x60f9

b aligned_address_32


ldr r3, =SXCNFG

ldr r4, =0x00006b84

ldr r5, =0x0060

ldr r6, =0x0003

ldr r7, =0x60f9

b aligned_address_16
