Strobe light effect, Texturize effect – Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual
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User Guide
Strobe Light effect
The Strobe Light effect performs an arithmetic operation on a layer or makes the layer transparent at periodic or
random intervals. For example, every five seconds the layer could become completely transparent for one-tenth of a
second, or a layer’s colors could invert at random intervals.
This effect works with 8-bpc color.
Strobe Color
The color of the strobe light.
Blend With Original
The effect’s transparency. The result of the effect is blended with the original image, with the
effect result composited on top. The higher you set this value, the less the effect affects the layer. For example, if you
set this value to 100%, the effect has no visible result on the layer; if you set this value to 0%, the original image doesn’t
show through.
Strobe Duration (secs)
How long, in seconds, each strobe lasts.
Strobe Period (secs)
The time, in seconds, between the start of subsequent strobes.
Random Strobe Probability
The probability that the strobe operation will apply to any given frame.
Choose Makes Layer Transparent for each strobe to make the layer transparent. Choose Operates On Color
Only to use the operation specified by Strobe Operator.
Strobe Operator
The operation to use for each strobe.
Texturize effect
The Texturize effect gives a layer the appearance of having the texture of another layer. For example, you could make
the image of a tree appear as if it had the texture of bricks, and control the depth of the texture and the apparent light
source. At Best quality, the texture layer is positioned and scaled with subpixel precision.
This effect works with 8-bpc color.
Original layers (left), and with whirl layer applied as the texture (bottom right)
Texture Layer
The source of the texture.
Light Direction
The angle at which light hits the texture.
Texture Contrast
The magnitude of the result.
Texture Placement
How the texture layer is applied to the effect layer:
Tile Texture
Applies the texture repeatedly.