Simulate the ip core, Simulate the ip core -4 – Altera Transceiver PHY IP Core User Manual

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8. Click Yes if you are prompted to add the Quartus II IP File (.qip) to the current Quartus II project.

You can also turn on Automatically add Quartus II IP Files to all projects.

You can now integrate your custom IP core instance in your design, simulate, and compile. While

integrating your IP core instance into your design, you must make appropriate pin assignments. You can

create a virtual pin to avoid making specific pin assignments for top-level signals while you are simulating

and not ready to map the design to hardware.
For some IP cores, the generation process also creates complete example designs. An example design for

hardware testing is located in the < variation_name > _example_design/example_project/ directory. An

example design for RTL simulation is located in the < variation_name > _example_design/simulation/

Note: For information about the Quartus II software, including virtual pins, refer to Quartus II Help.

Related Information

Simulating Altera Designs

Quartus II Help

Simulate the IP Core

This section describes how to simulate your IP core.
You can simulate your IP core variation with the functional simulation model and the testbench or

example design generated with your IP core. The functional simulation model and testbench files are

generated in a project subdirectory. This directory may also include scripts to compile and run the

For a complete list of models or libraries required to simulate your IP core, refer to the scripts provided

with the testbench.
For more information about simulating Altera IP cores, refer to Simulating Altera Designs in volume 3 of

the Quartus II Handbook.

Related Information

Simulating Altera Designs


Simulate the IP Core



Altera Corporation

Getting Started Overview

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